- 2020: Writing: Future of the Netherlands when demographics change: how to connect the group of migrants (since the 1970’s) that do have no heritage with constitutional state and what it takes to cherish it
- 2020: Onderzoek: Naar de wijze waarop bestuurders kennis verwerven en keuzes maken m.b.t. langlopende OOV dossiers
- 2020: Yemen: Developing a conflict manual for community conflicts for YLDF NGO during wartime
- 2019: The Netherlands, Penitentiary Institution of Vught: Engineering the organizational culture
- 2019: Romania, Bucharest: Research on perspective of Romanians on an open society as the Netherlands
- 2019: Zambia, Lusaka: Lecturing for Lions service club on Migration, Refugees and Security: African perspective
- 2019: Yemen: Reviewing and contributing gender policy for YLDF NGO during wartime
- 2019: Testing ground, Elst, the Netherlands: Refugees, order and patterns and their distance towards an open and organised society
- 2018: Skopje: Lecturing for Lions service club on Migration – Refugees and Security: European perspective.
- 2018: Lecturing: Refugees, order and patterns and their distance towards an open and organised society
- 2017: Eritrea: Research and Lecturing – Eritrean refugees and distance to an open society
- 2017: Research and Lecturing: Polarisation and governace in the Netherlands
- 2016: Policymaking: Working on transparency in USP’s (UnSollicited Proposals) for developing countries with REBEL IMG Washington and Worldbank
- 2016: Iran: Research and networking in the context of the lifting of sanctions against Iran in order to assist Dutch businesses entering Iran for TGint
- 2015: Bangladesh: social licence to operate in risk reduction of floods, city of Barrisal, Ethical Growth
- 2012: Lecturing: Dutch military: workshop and lectures “Understanding”
- 2012: Lecturing: Comprehensive approach lectures “Understanding” and cooperation in complex environment
- 2012: Conference – CSR Academy: Conference Moving Beyond Borders international collaboration (corporates, knowledge institutes, governments, all generations leadership)
- 2011: Research and lecturing: Dutch migrant leadership and their position in their community
- 2011: Milli Görüs: Turkish Women´s participation in Dutch society
- 2010: Lecturing – collaboration Mediationgilde: Coaching of candidate mediators towards their exam
- 2010: Liberia – Koffi Annan Institute and University of Liberia, Monrovia: Yon Gbon youth leadership course, in collaboration with Being Involved
- 2010: Kurdistan: Police (Asayish) and journalists during democratisation process, IMCK
- 2005-2010: Social engineering in Dutch municipalities on community security