Agnes Dinkelman is een ervaren social engineer die niet bang is om weerbarstige, maatschappelijke issues aan te pakken. Opdrachten voor de Nederlandse politie, justitie, krijgsmacht en gemeenten leidden haar naar menig hoofdpijndossier waar bestuurders mee kampen, zoals polarisatie, dynamiek in achterstandswijken, in kwaad daglicht stellen van bestuurders en maatschappelijke onrust.
lees meerKarin werkt met Stillare samen op het gebied van inburgering en participatie.
Karin is een ervaren projectmanager in het sociale werkveld waarbij 3 aspecten altijd een rol spelen; nieuwkomers, taal en participatie. Daarnaast geeft zij al ruim 20 jaar training en coaching op het gebied van leiderschap en communicatie voor zowel profit als non profitorganisaties zoals ...
lees meerMax van der Sleen is partnering Stillare in the Placemaking: Cities in Green programme.
Max is educated in the Netherlands and the UK as a macro-economist, sociologist and development economist. He calls himself an institutional economist and is specialised in public policy analysis. He worked on this in a diversity of countries in Europe, Asia and ...
lees meerTammo Oegema is partnering Stillare in the Placemaking: Cities in Green programme.
Tammo Oegema is a system analyst and social engineer. He studied quantative modelling (econometrics) and welfare economics. Learning from the system analysis behind the scenario’s of ‘Limits to Growth'(1972) he recognizes that long term developments of population, state of ecology, resources, food supply and ...
lees meerJeroen de Jonge is partnering Stillare in the Placemaking: Cities in Green programme.
Jeroen de Jonge is a former naval officer of the Royal Netherlands Navy. During the last ten years he was involved in policymaking and planning at the Ministry of Defence. He was responsible for the naval input into the Future Policy Survey into ...
lees meerStef Schreuder is partnering Stillare in the Placemaking: Cities in Green programme.
Stef Schreuder is a horticultural engineer and entrepreneur who is involved in large scale agricultural and sustainable projects in Europa, Africa and Asia. He also worked as researcher at Wageningen University and is member of the Advisory Board of companies active in project development ...
lees meerPiet Kommers is partnering Stillare in the Placemaking: Cities in Green programme and in the Slum Architecture programme.
Piet Kommers is an early pioneer in media for cognitive- and social support. His doctoral research explored methods for hypertext and concept mapping in learning. Since 1982 he developed educational technology as an engineering approach for learning and ...
lees meerKria Djoyoadhiningrat: Stillare is partnering Studio ROSA in the Foundation.
As architect and social entrepreneur, Kria Djoyoadhiningrat helps to realize the wishes and fulfil the needs of urban inhabitants, preferably in tropical countries. He is the director of Studio ROSA, a multidisciplinary collective for spatial planning, urbanism and architecture. His social mission is to end ...
lees meerIneke van Winden is partnering Stillare in the programme Community security through Civil Women´s Security Forces in and beyond refugee camps in Turkey and Jordan. The programme aims to strengthen women in exile to enhance their security situation themselves.
In 2010, Stillare and Van Winden’s Being Involved collaborated on the programme in Liberia, Yon Gbon youth ...
lees meerHans de Kruijf is partnering Stillare in the Placemaking: Cities in Green programme.
Hans de Kruijf is a cultural anthropologist and ICT4D consultant. He is attached to Utrecht University and has conducted research projects in South and North America, Europe, Southern and West Africa as well as South Asia. His research focuses on the everyday experience ...
lees meerDouwe Jan Joustra is partnering Stillare in the Placemaking: Cities in Green programme.
Douwe Jan Joustra is a system-ecologist based on his eduction in forestry, landscaping and nature-management. He is Head Circular Transformation at the C&A Foundation, worldwide.
lees meerGerrit Kleijheeg werkt binnen Stillare aan de onderwerpen ondermijning van de democratische rechtsorde, maatschappelijke ontwrichting en polarisatie- en radicaliseringsvraagstukken.
Gerrit Kleijheeg heeft zijn werkzame leven gewijd aan de publieke zaak. Als politieman werkte hij het liefst met bijzondere groepen, in de wijk en op straat. In de periode 1990 tot 2005 drukte hij als eindverantwoordelijke (o.a. ...
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