Stef Schreuder

Stef Schreuder is a horticultural engineer and entrepreneur who is involved in large scale agricultural and sustainable projects in Europa, Africa and Asia. He also worked as researcher at Wageningen University and is member of the Advisory Board of companies active in project development in Africa. His company, Livingstone Ventures, designs roadmaps and business plans for energy and water saving technologies in agriculture especially in challenging countries. He supports and advices organisations on sustainable business development and is mediator for private investors and investment funds.

Schreuder started as entrepreneur in automation of the Dutch Green Sector. He expanded his business throughout Europe and his software products became benchmarks in the sector. After selling his company in 2002, he became dedicated to sustainable agricultural development and started with designing cyclic systems for agricultural ecosystems. In the meantime, he was hired as researcher in the field of International economics and Chain Management at Wageningen University where he tried to implement and develop ideas on sustainable agricultural business in Asia and the former Eastern Europe countries.

Later he became director of one of the most well-known Dutch companies on horticultural support to develop projects in the Balkan region and CEO of Erasmus Investment International, a Luxemburg company involved in financing large-scale projects.

Schreuder regards Stillare an excellent opportunity to apply his knowledge and experience in international project planning and development to benefit people all around the world.
