Max van der Sleen
Max van der Sleen ondersteunt Agnes Dinkelman bij opdrachten op het gebied van social engineering oplossingen, deep democracy methodiek en omgaan met kritische groepen.
Max is partnering Stillare in the Placemaking: Cities in Green programme.
Max is educated in the Netherlands and the UK as a macro-economist, sociologist and development economist. He calls himself an institutional economist and is specialised in public policy analysis. He worked on this in a diversity of countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. The Cooperation between the European Union and the Neighbourhood countries has been a main field of work during his professional career spanning 35 years. As head of Ecorys research and consulting and as evaluation specialist he has worked on key issues like Fortress Europe, Maastricht, the Stability and Growth Pact, Lisbon, EU enlargement and the Neighbourhood policy.
Max applies his sense making ability to initiatives that have the potential to create long term value and True Welfare impact. For Max “True Welfare” means that a person feels secure about the future of his family and community and can develop his talents. The concept embraces inclusive development, poverty eradication, peace and security and the inter-generational justice issues: biodiversity and climate.
The Greening MENA project aims at setting in motion initiatives that can provide people on the run for violence or stuck in refugee camps with the opportunity to use their talents again and make new sense of their lives. Max considers he can contribute to this project with his key competences: His international network, his project development skills and his expertise in setting up public-private partnerships, True welfare economics and financial engineering, and AAAA strategies for bringing about change.
Max is the initiator of the True Welfare Foundation, the founder of the Ethical Growth Strategies company and the Co-founder of ARC (Amsterdam Resilience Collective). He works as board member for several companies and on Government assignments as policy advisor. He is involved in the set-up of a new Green Growth Centre focused on sustainable agriculture on the Dutch island of Goeree-Overflakkee, the place where he lives.