Agnes Dinkelman – oprichter Stillare

Agnes Dinkelman is een ervaren social engineer die niet bang is om weerbarstige, maatschappelijke issues aan te pakken. Opdrachten voor de Nederlandse politie, justitie, krijgsmacht en gemeenten leidden haar naar menig hoofdpijndossier waar bestuurders mee kampen, zoals polarisatie, dynamiek in achterstandswijken, in kwaad daglicht stellen van bestuurders en maatschappelijke onrust.

In Arabische, Koerdische en Afrikaanse context werkte ze met bestuurders, politie en burgers. Ze had te maken met de rauwe werkelijkheid waar het recht van de sterkste, willekeur en tribale verhoudingen de dienst uitmaken. In 2015 richtte ze zich op de situatie in Nederland in verband met de grote instroom aan Syrische vluchtelingen. Ze zag in eigen land eveneens rauwe situaties ontstaan van het recht van de sterkste, brutaal activisme, tribale strijd en ondermijning van lokaal bestuur.

Dinkelman kijkt met een scherp oog naar de dynamiek in ongewenste maatschappelijke situaties. Met haar werkwijze bewijst ze steeds opnieuw dat er handelingsperspectieven te vinden zijn waar de mogelijkheden uitgeput leken. Zo vond ze bijvoorbeeld een nieuwe invalshoek voor conflicthantering in wijken, een nieuwe rationale op het gebied van inburgering en participatie, ontwikkelde ze strategische manoeuvres in gender issues en was ze een vroege pleiter voor de positionering van moslimgemeenschappen tegen radicalisering van hun kinderen.

Dinkelman geeft lezingen over haar onderzoeken en praktijk in Levendige Lezingen.

Zie ook:
Levendige Lezingen
Doorbraken in OOV dossiers


Agnes Dinkelman – founder Stillare

Agnes chooses to address complex societal issues. She is a social engineer with a background in social sciences and mediation/negotiation.

Her work for the Dutch National Police, the Dutch National Army and the Dutch Refugee Council provided her with a basis for security and safety sensitivity. Within Stillare she combined her knowledge and experience in analysis, mediation, large scale psychology and change management. She works on approaches and methodology to improve societal resilience by human factor.

Keycompetence and main asset is her ability to operate in diffuse and complex circumstances and conflict situations.

Agnes is founder of Stillare. Stillare is a network of scientists and practitioners. Stillaredesigns and executes programmes and large-scale-systemic approaches for safety, security and stability issues.

Key issues are community security, polarisation, transparency and corruption and counterterrorism.

The Stillare team members worked all over the globe. Agnes worked in Kurdistan Iraq, Liberia, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Rwanda and currently she is preparing for security and stability issues in Yemen and Somalia.

As a social engineer, she comes up with fresh interpretations and solutions. “My interventions have impact because they fit the mentality of the groups and individuals I work with. We make the interventions fit by a deep understanding of the communities we work in. We explore the political, historical, societal and large scale psychological DNA of the situation. Navigating through life circumstances and the current day to day situation we discover a mentality fitting approach.”

Stillare is using a diversity of knowledge fields. The Placemaking programme is an example of combining fields of knowledge to have real impact on communities. The Kurdistan and Zimbabwe cases are a good example of the seamless fit with the mentality of the Kurdish Police forces or Zim relationships between chiefs, men and women. Often, Stillare is asked: “How did you do it?”, or “Why do things change so fast?” Stillare engineers are no wizards, we just work on sound understanding of the drivers that shape reality and profound understanding of what is and what can be. And we love what we do. In Europe or beyond.

Before Agnes founded Stillare, she worked for the Dutch refugee council on quality management of the human factor. For the Dutch National Police, she worked on Intelligence Led Policing, and role view of civil Police forces in conflict areas in failed and fragile states. For the Dutch National Army, Agnes designed a new way to bring the human factor to ‘Understanding’. She lectured on this issue in the whole security domain. As a consultant, she served several municipalities with large scale mediations, educated candidate mediators towards their exam, introduced mediation into schools and guided migrant leaders towards next steps in their communities.

Currently she works with Dr. Willeke Slingerland on an educational book about the impact of social engineering.
